To reset the Symbol CS3000 or CS3070 scanner, please follow the instructions below.
1. Print the Reset Scanner file (attached). Scan the barcode for "Reset Factory Defaults"
2. Connect the scanner to your PC or Mac with the included USB cable.
3. Browse to the connected scanner in your computer's file explorer (it should be identified by a new drive number)
4. Look in the \Parameters folder and open the Config.ini file with a text editor, such as Notepad
5. Locate the CodeID setting and change from "Enabled" to "Disabled"
6. Locate the BTName setting and change to the label of your choice. No spaces or special characters should be used (i.e. ADAMSHS1). Note, this setting will not be visible on model CS3000 scanners
7. Save your changes and close the file. Unplug the scanner and it is ready for use